Driver squinted through the bug-spattered windshield as he navigated Timmy the Truck down the twisty road. Timmy’s engine hummed a contented lullaby, pleased with the miles they’d conquered on their epic road trip. “Ah, Timmy, we’ll soon be home,” said the Driver, a hint of wistfulness in his voice. Timmy’s headlights flashed with excitement, “Can’t wait to get cozy in the garage. These adventures were grand, but there’s no place like home base.”
They reminisced about the grandeur of the Grand Canyon, the endless nothingness of the Nevada desert, and the overzealous chipmunks that tried to hitch a ride in Yellowstone. Most of their trip was rather delightful and smooth, save for a minor detour involving an angry goose. Just as the duo chuckled over that feathery fiasco, the road threw its curveball—a pothole the size of a small lake loomed ahead.
Driver steadied the wheel, attempting to veer away, but the pothole was a wily opponent. CRASH! They hit it square-on. “Whoo-hoo, off-road driving while on the road!” Timmy exclaimed with a jolt. The Driver’s hands tightened on the steering wheel, eyes widening in a moment of pure panic, “Stay with me, Timmy!” Hearts pounding, they managed to regain control and put more distance between them and the asphalt abyss.
It wasn’t long before the Driver noticed something odd. He had to wrestle the steering wheel just to keep Timmy from drifting into the opposing lane. A bead of sweat formed as he anxiously called out, “Timmy, are you messing with me?” Timmy’s dashboard lit up with a mischievous glint, “Nope, just wearing out my shoes! Walking crooked now.”
Recognizing the gravity of the situation, the Driver pulled up the GPS and punched in “nearest auto shop.” With robotic monotony, the GPS guided them to Coquille Tire. As they limped along, the Driver focused intensely to ensure Timmy trooped in the right direction. They finally crossed into the parking lot, as Timmy hobbled like a clumsy ballet dancer.
Inside Coquille Tire, the Alignment Specialists launched into a detailed explanation on the sacred art of wheel alignment, loaded with jargon about geometry and angles that made the Driver and Timmy’s brains feel knotted. “Um, what?” The Driver’s eyelid twitched. One of the specialists, seeing their confusion, simplified, “Bad wheel alignments cause excessive tire wear and reduced vehicle control.”
After some clanks, cranks, and a lot of Timmy giggling over the tickling feeling (“Hey, that tickles!”), the specialists had Timmy aligned back to factory specifications. “Everything’s straight and in order,” they declared. Timmy rolled out of the shop with a smoothness that was nothing short of miraculous. “Well, buddy,” the Driver smiled, “Let’s head home.”
As they cruised down the road like a well-oiled machine, the Driver and Timmy reflected on their misadventure. The lesson was clear: Look out for potholes, and if you hit one, get your wheels aligned posthaste! The road is much smoother when everything’s in line, and you save a lot on tire replacements. Ignorance may be bliss, but misalignment sure isn’t!